All webhooks will be delivered using a POST request using either `json` or `form` encoding. The root resource in the webhook body is always an Event resource.


Each event is published as a Event resource which wraps the resource and eventName.

key type description
event object string created | changed | removed | published_community | published_landing
event.resource string campaign | interaction | conversion | person
organization_id number
campaign_id number
campaign Campaign Only set if campaign_id is set
interaction_id number
interaction Interaction Only set if interaction_id is set
conversion_id number
conversion Conversion Only set if conversion_id is set
person_id PersonID
person Person Only set if person_id is set


Represents a single campaign on the Ambassify platform

key type description
id number The unique identifier for this Campaign
name string The name for this campaign as shown to the administrator
created number The creation date for this campaign as a unix timestamp
organization number This uniquely identifies your Ambassify account
title MultilingualString The title publicly shown for this campaign
author object Information available on the author of this campaign string The full name for the author of this campaign
image object Details about the image shown at the top of a campaign
image.location MultilingualString A URL to the location of the campaign image
summary MultilingualString Campaign summary as shown in the community dashboard
link MultilingualURL If the campaign is linked to an external webpage, this field will contain its URL.
shortLink MultilingualURL The non-personalized shortlink for the link provided in the link field.
config object
config.preset string Identifier for the Ambassify defined preset from which this campaign was created.
config.comments boolean Set to true if comments are available on this Campaign
config.fistbump boolean Show the fistbump icon on this Campaign
config.languages string[] en | nl | fr | de | pl | es | it | da | sv | fi | no
config.channels string[] community | landing object Community channel configuration boolean This campaign is available in the community if set to true. number The unix timestamp (in seconds) indicating when the campaign will be first available. number The unix timestamp (in seconds) indicating when the campaign challenge will be disabled.
config.landing object Landing channel configuration
config.landing.enabled boolean This campaign is available on the landing page if set to true.
config.landing.publishOn number The unix timestamp (in seconds) indicating when the campaign will be first available.
config.landing.finishOn number The unix timestamp (in seconds) indicating when the campaign challenge will be disabled.
promote object Social media promotion settings
promote.title MultilingualString Title shown on social media posts
promote.description MultilingualString The description used on social media posts
promote.image MultilingualURL The image shown on social media posts


Describes a conversion on a campaign

key type description
id number Unique identifier for this conversion
member PersonID ID of the member associated with this conversion
organization number This uniquely identifies your Ambassify account
campaign number The unique identifier for a Campaign
preset string Identifier for the Ambassify defined preset from which this campaign was created.
points number Amount of points rewarded for this conversion.
created number The creation datetime for this conversion as a unix timestamp
metadata object Metadata associated with this conversion
metadata.presetId string The preset of the campaign to which this conversion belongs.
metadata.ipAddress string The IP address of the client creating the conversion
response object Information associated with this conversion, depends on campaign challenge type.
response.action SchemaOrgAction


Describes an advocate interaction with a campaign directly

key type description
id number Unique identifier for this interaction
member PersonID ID of the member associated with this interaction
organization number This uniquely identifies your Ambassify account
campaign number The unique identifier for a Campaign
preset string Identifier for the Ambassify defined preset from which this campaign was created.
points number Amount of points rewarded for this interaction.
created number The creation datetime for this interaction as a unix timestamp
metadata object Metadata associated with this interaction
metadata.presetId string The preset of the campaign to which this interaction belongs.
metadata.ipAddress string The IP address of the client creating the interaction
metadata.source string Indicates the front-end used to interact with the campaign
metadata.challenge_type string The type of challenge with which the user interacted
response object The information produced by the challenge attached to campaign


Describes a member account in your community

key type description
id PersonID ID of the member
orgId number This uniquely identifies your Ambassify account
created number Member creation date in milliseconds
points number Earned points
groups string[] A list of groups to which the user belongs
role string contact | advocate | manager | administrator
hidden boolean Hide account from being visible in the community
firstCommunityAccess number The first time this member accessed the private community in milliseconds
profile object Read-only aggregate of properties in an easy to use object
optIn object User opted out if value is explicitly set to false
properties PersonProperty[] An array of all properties collected for a member


Describes a property for a user

key type description
key string The key for the property being set.
primary string Indicates whether this property will included in profile
value any The value set for key
properties PersonProperty[] An array of all properties nested under this key. Can only be set if value is empty


Describes the value of a string that is available in multiple languages

key type description
en string
nl string
fr string
de string
pl string
es string
it string
da string
sv string
fi string
no string


Describes the value of a URL that is available in multiple languages

key type description
en URL
nl URL
fr URL
de URL
pl URL
es URL
it URL
da URL
sv URL
fi URL
no URL


A string following UUIDv4 format


A unique identifier for Person in the form of a UUID or [anonymous]


A valid absolute HTTP / HTTPS url or a relative URL.


A valid action as described by actions